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BOS Minutes - 4/14/03
Board of Selectmen
Library Meeting Room
April 14, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chairman Roger L. Putnam, Jr.  Selectmen present included Michael May, Dale Donovan, Michael Parlante and Jerry Houk.  Town Administrator Tim Smith also attended.

The Board met with Maggie Downey, Assistant County Administrator, and County Commissioner Bill Doherty who presented an update on County services.  Mr. Doherty presented a check to the Board in the amount of $27,174 as Wellfleet's share of surplus County funds.  Chairman Putnam thanked Mr. Doherty for his presentation.  Maggie Downey discussed Cape Light Compact services noting potential savings to the Town of approximately $7,500 through participation in the street light purchase program.  She updated the Board on efforts to reduce customer costs by purchasing power at the wholesale level.

Open Session:
-    Ken Kimball addressed the Board and announced the April 24th meeting of the Forum "Speaking Out on Town Meeting Articles" at 7:00 p.m. at the Library.

On a motion by Parlante, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of March 24, 2003 and March 31, 2003 as presented.

On a motion by Parlante, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to release the executive session minutes dated 12/21/92, 12/14/92 (2), 12/7/92, 11/23/92, 11/17/92, 10/5/92, 9/28/92, 9/21/92, 9/14/92, 9/8/92, 8/25/92.

The Town Administrator noted that he will have a recommendation regarding architectural and engineering services for the shellfish shack renovation and renovation of the Marina bathroom projects within the next couple of weeks and reminded the Board of the April 24th telephone conference with Town Counsel to review warrant articles and motions.

-     Selectman Parlante updated the Board regarding placing utility wires underground noting that costs seem to be prohibitive and that grant money is not available at this time.  He thanked Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson for his research and assistance.
-     Selectman Houk suggested that departmental overtime needs to be addressed.

Selectman Donovan presented his correspondence report including:
-    Letter from Orleans Board of Selectmen re:  Wellfleet Night at Cardinals Game - Mr. Donovan suggested that the SPAT group use this opportunity to promote next fall's Oyster Festival.  There was consensus to respond with the dates of June 24, 27 and July 1st as the Board's preferences.

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-    Letter from the United Wellfleet Shellfishermen requesting input on Shellfish Constable position - there was consensus to request that this group submit a list of characteristics for consideration for the next Shellfish Constable.

The Board discussed:
a)  ATM Housing Authority Articles - Housing Authority member Helen Miranda Wilson distributed a map of the lot on Gull Pond that the Housing Authority is requesting via a Town Meeting article.  She proposed that the Housing Authority agree to indefinitely postpone its articles for transfer of property on Old County Road/Cahoon Hollow Road and on Coles Neck Road to the Housing Authority in exchange for the Board of Selectmen indefinitely postponing all three of its articles (Old County Road/Cahoon Hollow Road, Coles Neck Road and Gull Pond Road) and that the development of the land on Gull Pond Road be as indicated on the map, with a limit of nine bedrooms and that all buildings will be over 100 feet from the wetland.  Discussion included the conditions included in the Board of Selectmen articles.  There was consensus that if the Housing Authority indefinitely postpones the Old County Road/Cahoon Hollow Road and Coles Neck Road articles, the Board of Selectmen agrees to indefinitely postone its parallel articles leaving discussion of the Gull Pond Road property to Town Meeting floor.  The Town Administrator reminded the Board of its vote to approve going forward with a process for the disposition of Town real property and suggested that all of these articles be indefinitely postponed and that the Town go forward with this process before any land is transferred.
b)   Appointment of Special Police Officers - Chairman Putnam requested that new officers be introduced to the Board before coming on duty.  Staff Sergeant Ron Fissette was in attedance and agreed to the request.  On a motion by Donovan, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to appoint the Special Police Officers as named in the memo from Chief Rosenthal.  (Paul E. Catherall, Christa J. Biermann, Geraldine E. LaPense, Richard B. Welch, Jr., Andrew J. Galanzka, Christopher M. Cornelius)
c)   Mass. Coalition of Police - the Town Administrator indicated that the members of the Wellfleet Police Federation have voted to affiliate with the Massachusetts Coalition of Police.  On a motion by Donovan, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to formally recognize the Massachusetts Coalition of Police, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive bargaining agent of all of the employees in the below described units for the purpose of collective bargaining:  Unit 326A
d)   Purchase Streetlights - the Town Administrator recommended that the Town purchase the streetlights at a cost of $1 noting an estimated annual savings of $7,500 in maintenance costs.  On a motion by Parlante, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to purchase the Town
e)   Request to Use Town Property - on a motion by Parlante, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of Trish Donroe and Gavin Barker to use an area at Newcomb Hollow Beach to the right side of the stairway and about 50 yards from the stairway on June 14, 2003 from 3:30

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f)   Estimate of Temporary Increased Population for Seasonal Liquor Licenses - on a motion by Houk, seconded by Donovan, the Board voted unanimously to set the temporary increased resident population for seasonal liquor licenses at 17,500.
g)  Approve Seasonal Liquor License Renewal Certification - on a motion by May, seconded by Houk, the Board voted unanimously to approve the ABCC Seasonal Renewal Certification.
h)  Business Licenses - on a motion by Houk, seconded by Parlante, the Board voted unanimously to approve the business licenses of the Flying Fish; Hannah & Co.; Gone Fishing Sporting Goods and Jack
i)   Appointment of Registrar of Voters - on a motion by Parlante, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Bonnie Robicheau as Registrar of Voters.
j)    Paving Bid - on a motion by Donovan, seconded by Parlante, the Board voted unanimously to accept the bid of P.A. Landers, Inc. for paving of various Town roads.
k)   Water Project Bid Award - on a motion by Parlante, seconded by May, the Board voted unanimously to accept the bid of C.C. Construction, Inc. for the Cole's Neck Water Main Extension Construction Project in the amount of $769,127.53.  The reference from the Oak Bluffs Water District relative to construction of the Oak Bluffs Water Main Replacement by C.C. Construction, Inc. was noted.
l)    Shellfish Advisory Committee Member - the Town Administrator noted the memo from Shellfish Advisory Committee Chair Chris Merl indicating that Fred Armstrong had missed four consecutive advisory committee meetings.  It was noted that, per the Charter, Mr. Armstrong is no longer a member of the Shellfish Advisory Committee and needs to reapply for appointment.
m)  Town Administrator Evaluation - Chairman Putnam asked Board members to review the evaluation form and be prepared to discuss it at the next Board meeting.

On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously at 8:40 p.m. on a roll call vote (Houk, Putnam, Parlante, May, Donovan - yea) to enter executive session to discuss litigation and potential real estate negotiations and to not reconvene in open session.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                        Linda Smulligan
                                                        Administrative Assistant

Roger L. Putnam, Jr., Chair          Michael May                                       Dale Donovan

Michael Parlante                           Jerry Houk